

Kategori: In English

Hallo, guten tag, schönes wochendeende und auf wiedersehen!

Ahhh, i had forgotten why i applied to so many internships in germany, people here are nicer than in sweden and food and alcohol is super cheap!

So i have finally arrived to Marcus apartment in one piece, despite all my nightmares about crashing concorde's and nucelar explosions im here and im happy! I still hate ryanair though, they always have the worst locations and I had to pay extra because since my hand lugage was too heavy. but its still pretty impressive that i could fit in 19 kilos in that little bag!

After a lot of friendly germans, lost in train stations and running between trains i ariived in Siegen and finally got to meet mister M again!

We didnt want to waste any time so we bought beer and went to a park. Its so much warmer here than in sweden, summer temperatures!

Yesterday was a bad hangover day but still we went to the university library, got some work done. Later we saw the prime minister Angela Merkel and in the evening we sat at an outdoor bar and had cocktails, just an ordinary day... :)

I got the opportunity to talk loads of german this far as well. im really loosingthe words but as long as i get to listen and understand, mmm :)

Deutschland, ich mag!!

Soon, sooooon

Kategori: In English

Tomorrow i will finally go on my Eurotrip 2010!! Im getting a bit nervous but mostly excited.

I hope that:
- Ryanair wont take my bag so i have to pay extra
-  i wont crash due to a ash cloud (yes im getting more and more nervous to fly the more flights i have behind me)
- I wont get a personal bancrupt due to too much party
- i hope i will party so much that i will get personally bancrupt

Right now im longing to talk German again!! Oh my god, its been such a long time. WHen i imagine that i ill totally surrounded by only german speaking people it gives me goose bumps of excitement! (yes quite sick isnt it...) Its also the fact that they will only be talking Hochdeutsch! so i hope i will understand everything (sorry Alex ;) )

Hotell för Paris bokat!

Kategori: På svenska

Sent igå kväll så bokade jag och Bob ett hotell för de första två dagarna i Paris. Vi bestämde oss för att det skulle va lättast att från början utgå från samma ställe, istället för att direkt flytta in hos våra respektive kompisar i Paris. de första dagarna kommer därför gå åt till att turista i centrum. Vi hittade ändå ett ganska bra ställe som inte var allt för dyrt och som låg nära till Louvren.

Tyvärr så syns det visst inte så bra på kartan men floden ligger ju där den ska och även ön med Notre Dame om jag inte ser fel!

Hotellet som vi ska bo på känns väldigt fräscht också :)

ÅÅååååhh, jag längtar nu verkligen! Helt plötsligt så är det så mycket mer påtagligt att snart så kommer jag vara i Paris! Så himla spännande! denna stad som typ alla redan varit i utom jag :P

 Det bästa är ju nästan att det är så mycket varmare där nere också! En kompis har sagt att det kan bli upp till 25 grader i Paris vid just den här tiden på året. Hoppas på det bästa och framför allt att det inte kommer regna! Jag kommer nämligen inte ha plats i väskan för några som helst regnkläder eller kyla...

Wine evening

Kategori: In English

The landlords was away this weekend and so i finally got the opportunity to invite some friends home. It doesn't feel good to ta have them running around in the house if I would try to have a small party just in my room.

Would seem a bit weird no?

Well since i dont have so many friends here in Gothenburg anyway, the party turned into a night of TV and gossiping with just me and Bob. The wine made the evening a bit more interesting though because soon we were singing Backstreet boys songs and dancing to korean songs.

The wine tasted so good and on top of that i also ate chips with really fatty dip sauce. I have to take some extra time in the gym tomorrow!

Best dance group ever?

Kategori: In English

A friend of mine posted this video on facebook the other day. Asians are crazy and this dance performance is just hypnotic! It looks like they did the whole dance in one shoot, which makes the video even more hypnotic.

I couldnt stop starring, amazing dance crew

ps. Bo, they have stolen some of your dance moves!

I miss Taiwan

Kategori: In English

I shouldnt have done it... but i did it... I read one of my friends blog from Taiwan last year and dreamt back to the lovely country in the east.

I miss it all so much right now! The weird stuff, the funny situations, the nicest people and the best weather

Im not gonna read my own blog inserts from my semester there because then im sure im gonna burst into tears!

So everyone that is still over there, enjoy some for me too! And to all the exchange students that is still there, enjoy your time abroad because its the best experience ever. I promise you that if you are tired of taiwan right now, you will miss it anyway after one week back in your home country!

So im sending some love to the sweet potato!
Funny coincidence right? ;)

Nytt utseende på bloggen!

Kategori: På svenska

Vad tycks? Känns mycket mer sommarvänlig nu :) 

trots att det aldrig kan bli så här vackert så är det alltid fint att drömma, tyvärr har jag inte tagit bilden själv utan den är säkert retuscherad superstrand från nånstans i stilla havet... Jag må ha varit i Boracay (vilket är typ paradiset) men så här fint finns nog inte...

Tack gamla blogg cover men nu har du gjort ditt! Kommer ihåg när jag gjorde den, det var innan jag åkte till Hong Kong och jag bara drömde om att få se den där skylinen. Nu har jag varit där själv och jag kan säga att denna bilden är inte retuscherad!!

Me love HK

Också ny profilbild!

Vad sägs??

Cooking a lá français

Kategori: In English

Today is not an ordinary because:

- its friday
- i have gotten much done on the thesis
- i have cooked non-asian food

Yes i got inspired today by Bo (not Bob) and started cooking some french food! I am after all gonna go to Paris soon so I'd better get inspired!

The food was more rich of fat then I thought and since I had bought enough of vegetables to feed an entire army, it gave the result that I am now over full with food and will only be able to roll instead of jogging today...

It was delicous though!
Paprica, creme fraiche, squash, onion, tomato, pesto, spaghetti, chicken. All in a wonderfull squishy mess!:)


Kategori: In English

It feels like friday today... Been to school, took a cup of tea and then shopping :)

I needed some new pants before going to Paris and I thought it was a good day today since my ass seems to be of normal size again. And for once i found exactly what i was looking for! (plus some more beautiful stuff...)

I just love Zara, found the pants there and H&M had a little sale today so i couldn't resist to go in there for a little look. I came out with a t-shirt and a well-needed new scarf

Back on track

Kategori: In English

I think I can now officially say that I am back on track!! I can now fit into all of my old clothes, im so happy!

The other day i wore my skinny jeans (didnt hurt one single time) ;)

Today i tried on my chinos that I actually broke in Taiwan because my ass was too big...! (i cant belieive i just wrote that... you really get the naked truth when reading theadamlife blog!) Mom fixed them this weekend and i will take that as a symbolic act.

My mom fixed my pants, I have finally fixed back my body ;)

snälla låt mig åka!!

Kategori: På svenska

Meningen är ju den att jag nästa onsdag ska åka till Tyskland och därefter Parisför att intervjua vårt företag som vi använder till min och Bobs D-uppsats. Grejen är ju bara den att jag ska FLYGA till tyskland...

ajsibajsi så att säga!

Idag säger i alla fall att ryanair att de låter all flygtafik gå som vanligt igen. Frågan är ju bara hur säkert det är, försvinner aska så snabbt liksom? och vulkanen är ju fortfarande mer eller mindre aktiv... Vad jag är rikgit orolig för är dock om den andra vulkanen Hekla får ett utbrott! Jag såg på nyheterna att förra gången den fick ett riktigt stort utbrott var på 1700- talet någon gång och då påverkades hela Europa med att bli mycket mörkare och det blev kallare i flera år i följd!

Usch, läskiga sånna här saker...

Och ändå så vackert!

I make my own fashion

Kategori: In English

Look what i made from a pair of old jeans that I never use anyway...

I found these jeans a few weeks ago when I was cleaning my closet. I havent used them really for years because they have been to loose and looks a bit old fashioned. These attributes are perfect though for trashing and wearing a hot summer day! I also used a very special "technique" to trash them. I dont think I should reveal how but I can tell you that I did not do it myself. If you have some imagination though you can see what kind of method i used ;)

Maybe i should trash them some more though...

I hope the summer arrives soon so i can start using them! If i would wear them outside now i would freeze on the spot!

New hair..

Kategori: In English

... but not necessarily new hair style, it feels like everyone in Gothenburg has the same hairstyle. I think it looks nice though and i needed to do something different with my hair. As the hair looks now will probably only be better the longer it grows! (or that is what my hairdresser said) ;)



Its gonna be so much easier to fix the hair in the mornings now!! Before i probably had to spend 20 minutes to make it publicly acceptable :P

Ready for a new study week?

Kategori: In English

Im now back in Gothenburg again after a short and intensive weekend at home with the parents.

Im so sorry for not blogging more often this week, I have simply been so busy with the thesis and when not working I have more or less been sleeping... or well that is not true :P Its hard to find inspiration to work sometimes because we had some issues finding our research questions and what to focus on. So when I have not been inspired or had the disciplin to work i have fled to the gym, taken a nap or been sitting on skype.

It feels like we are coming somewhere now at least!

This weekend was anyway the first time of the year I went out for a tour with the horse! It was so nice to sit up in the sadle again, i ride way too seldom since im not home so much anymore. And also our horse is getting old! Poor Amalia... :)

And this is our cat Melvis, aka. the black Panther!!


Kategori: In English

The quote of the day must be (feel free to translate):

                 " Ja, dina narkotikaångor borde väl gå ur snart"

This quote very much describes this madnessly wonderful afternoon I had today with Bob. Too much fresh air and sun made our brains high I guess...! We met at our regular cafe in gothenburg to get some work done, unfourtunately i had forgotten my USB-monkey at home so I did not have so very much to add to our thesis... :P

We did some business and then went out for a walk in sunny sunny G-town, lovely day and i hope I gained loads of vitamines from the sun on my extremely pale skin. But as Bob said, white is the colour of the season! ;)

Think outside the box, bobbee!


Kategori: På svenska

Jag vet inte hur många inlägg jag har döpt till "madness" men det blir väl så när man helt enkelt är så galen som jag är :P

Bästa kommentarerna kommer helt klart fram när jag är med Bob, vilket vi varit en hel del nu den senaste tiden med allt resande i Asien och nu när vi skriver D-uppsatsen tillsammans...

Idag kom en klockren:

Bob på Espressohouse (troligen hög på koffein och allt för mycket uppsatsskrivande)
                      "Alltså jag längtar tillbaka till Bangkok när vi var på klubb och dansade med isbjörnen"

Det värsta är ju bara att det är sant... ;)

Philippe mötte upp oss för en kväll i Bangkok


Kategori: In English

Found the cutest picture today!


Me and Bob is in library today again. The thesis really brings back some memories... i dont know how sweet they are though! People say it's friday today, to me it could just as well be monday!

The thesis working student's life is constantly mondays since the work never seem to get finished!

I have a good feeling today though, this is a good friday-monday! ;)

Never thought of that before...

Kategori: In English

In the new course in school we are studying sustainable marketing. Today we had a gust lecturer who talked about our view on marketing that it is like a war and marketing is the weapon the companies are using make them buy their products.

I mean it is really true! Just when I think about all the terms and theories I have learned through the years and then when I looked up even more theories on internet I came up with these:

- Guerilla marketing
- Penetration strategy
- Positioning
- Ambush marketing
- Nano campaigning
- Undercover marketing

Its like the company is a secret agent going into the crowd to scatter them and kill the weak!!

When the teacher mentioned that we actually say target group I could't stop getting this image in my head:

Lol, i know this is just totally unacceptable :P

Let's meet in Paris!

Kategori: In English

So now it is finally booked, my eurotrip that will take me from Gothenburg, through Germany, to Paris, back to Germany and then home again. I am so excited!! Can't wait to go meet the spring on the contient, Sweden is after all more or less part of the arctic :P

It was lot of work to find the tickets and it took all my planing skills to find the right airports, flight companies, train stations and dates. I do now know that it is more or less impossible to fly from Paris to Sweden without emptying your bank account... I have to fly with ryanair from Gothenburg to Düsseldorf and then take a train from Cologne
to Paris. To get home I will take a train back to Germany and fly home from Frankfurt. Lol, Eurotrip indeed!

What is even more fun is that I will be able to catch up with so many good friends on my trip! So to all of you in Paris and nearby;

Vous avez intérêt de venir me voir! ;)

I have already been to France and Germany really but only at the very border in Germany and in Cannes in France, so excited to see the real stuff down there! Who knows, maybe I'll stay forever?

Sacre Couer, la tour Eiffel, arc de triomphe, champs elysses, le louvre... See you soon!  

Study and sushi

Kategori: In English

Good combination eeh?

I've heard somewhere that fish is good for your health and your brain, what can then be better than eating sushi in the lunch break?!

I love sushi and I'm so happy that it is the cheapest "fast-food" in Gothenburg, I probably eat it even more here in Sweden than i did in taiwan... On the other hand i ate some sushi triangles every morning but it was so sweet and i have never seen it here in sweden so it was probably some crazy make up from the taiwanese :)

Me and Bob has been in the library all day, and there we will remain the rest of the week! ;(

This picture was in the sushi bar, hilarious!!! Im gonna dress my cat like this when i come back home (that poor thing!!)

New pictures published!

Kategori: In English

Hej hej and hello!
I have now posted my pictures from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. When i looked through them i just got so totally amazed, i really miss asia!

The cities, the extravagant life, the heat, the crazy people, how it is to be rich and take cabs everywhere... ;)

Here are some photos that did not make it to the album i posted on facebook

On the skybrigde in the Petronas towers

I think the best photos are to be found here though!

My brand new camera and I

Kategori: In English

Oh joy to the world! Yesterday my parents and I went to the bi town to buy me a new camera, the old one is really dead... The clerk in the store had no idea why it could make such a weird noice (i think i have a clue though, many times drop in the floor, rain forrest humidity, sand, salt water and finally swedish cold simply was too much for it...). Poor thing, well there is no reason to hold on to old stuff right?

Out with the old and in with the new! I had no idea what to buy, just what i wanted with the new camera. So I ended up buying this one:

A pentax Optio L70

I had never heard of the brand before but mom and dad told me that its a really famous brand but that they usually only do big and heavy professional cameras. So it'd better be a good one then right?! I didn't even try it in the store but yesterday and today I tested it thoroughly. And what can I say.. I am truly amazed!!

Here are some of the pictures i took today when we were out for a walk in the brilliant Eastern weather, the nature here is, as you can see, really dull and grey still :P

I wish I would have had this camera in Asia! The details are so sharp!

Happy eastern!

Kategori: In English

....wishes all of us at the farm in Sweden!

My poor animals! ;)