
Sorrry folks!

Kategori: In English

...for not writing more. Im just too lazy.
So much stuff has happened so when i think about it im just giving up on writing it :P

This weekend im going to Taipei to visit Bob, gonna be great!
Last weekend was spent in Kenting, was awesome! Pictures will come

Busy busy

Kategori: In English

I have so much to do here all the time, still i have nothing to do... Doesnt make any sense does it?

I sleepy and as always im staying up chatting with people from all over the world too late into the night.

So a short update:

Got back the chinese test, was ok, i was a bit disapointed that i didnt know more but still it was 78%
Got back the Institutional Economics exam, got ten out of fifteen. Madness!! I guessed through the whole test! The teacher is anyway a bitch. He's a swede/know-it-all/i-have-a-more-advanced-level-of-my-english-than-you person. The test where more like a test of ones english skills. Im pretty good in english but this language he uses doesnt make any sense at all!
Went to a party at the beach yesterday night, everyone was there and it was sooo nice! Nice conversations with all the exchanges, fire, marchmallows and a light proportion of alcohol. Sweeet

Tomorrow im going to Kenting and the beach for the weekend (the second try). Hope this time will be more succesfull than the last time i went there... This time im NOT taking the scooter, my ass says thanks for that.

Apprently there is a typhoon coming now again so cross your fingers people that it wont come to my beach!


Ge mig!

Kategori: På svenska

Hittade detta på H&M.s hemsida just, visst här är det fortfarande 30 grader varmt dygnet runt men för det kan jag inte motstå riktigt snygga stickade och tjocka kläder! Det blir lite trist att bara gå runt i shorts och t-shirts hela tiden, det är ju trots allt det enda man kan ha på sig utan att svettas ihjäl...

Kan någon vänlig själ köpa hem dessa kläder och ge det till mig på flygplatsen i februari? :)

Ikväll ska jag och mina roomies ut och titta på baseball! Det är visst en jättestor sport här i Taiwan och här i Kaohsiung ska det va final ikväll. Har aldrig sett en match förut så vet inte alls vad jag har att förvänta mig... Jag ser fram emot att se tusentals galna taiwaneser i alla fall.

Taiwanese family dinner

Kategori: In English

at Sunday the Nors/Fjeldhem/Eriksson family was invited to join Pamelas (Ulrikas buddy) family for a traditional taiwanese family dinner! So cool and they were the hospitality could not have been on a higher level.

We were offered Hot pot, a dish when cabbage, meat, mushrooms, tomatos, pumplin and much more taiwanese stuff. Very delicious and we all ate until we were over full of food... and then we ate a little bit more ;)

This is us, Ulrika took the photo.

We had a very nice time and we sat and ate and talked for about three hours.

The funniest part was after a few hours when Ulrika told me; I am just soo full, i think i will explode (imagine her saying this in the most honest way, yes i believed her that she would explode and i laughed so hard about it, hahaha)

The second funniest part was when we had some fruit for dessert.

Its a fruit that the taiwanese put on their heads, haha!

Anyhow, a totally lovely evening!

Tu zhu guai

Kategori: In English

Yes i am currently in the library.

Back among the books, the studying people and (of course) too much facebook.

But im still aspecting Sherola or Mr M to come up the stairs.

I miss your company

now its time for lunch!

Saturday's party pics

Kategori: In English

The party was great, here's the best pictures,

The new look!

Finally i got to party with my roomies! (first time out in Kaohsiung for them, quite a scandal among the exchanges indeed :P)

The table next to ours celebrated someones birthday and cakes kept coming the whole night, since im just a poor foreigner i asked for some (as one can see on my facial expression, i got a piece)

The crazy swedes conquered the stage succesully the whole night (they should paid us for the crazyness we kept on delivering the whole night! dont know how many pictures that were taken of us)

Spank me baby! (I have no idea ho the guy is, hahaha, so funny!)

Loads of people, no i didnt fall (i would anyway have landed softly)

Dominic, the little owl

The Dreams night club

I love the beach

Kategori: In English

Hello babes!
I had such a grrrrreat day today! (flashback to frosties cereal,mmm)

I went up pretty early, mostly because of the traffic though. We live next to the biggest road that goes through town so of course it gets a bit loud. This is a little annoying but well, thats the price of living in the high society of Kaohsiung! ;)

After waking up i went down to meet my building neighbours, Robin and Lizz (two more swedes), and then we were of for some breakfast. They had found a breakfast restaurant that serves healthy food! I did not belive it the first time they told me, healthy bread in this country is only to be found in IKEA (knäckebröd). It was quite healthy though which means that they will see more of my face at their restaurant! ;)

The thing to do of the day was to go to the beach. The weather this weekend has this far been exceptional! Even above my house its been clear blue sky! So we lay on the Cijin island beach for a few hours and fried ourselves a bit. Once again i forgot my camera so no pictures... There was though a lot of asians who did take pictures.

IT WAS A WHOLE SCHOOL CLASS OF GIRLS taking pictures of us lying on the beach!

Sure its fun being famous and that people want to take your picture but not when im naked and totally out of shape! :P I dont know how many who took pictures today but it was at least ten that i saw did it... (two of these asked if they could take a picture)

Well they did not destroy my day anyways, i just gave them a show instead swimming around and sun tanning. I love the sea and the beach. Its not so bad to live 20 minutes from the beach after all! ;) I mean who needs to go to the Phillipines or Malaysia when the tropics is just outside your door?

Tonight i finally will go out clubbing with my roomies + my taiwanese friends, we have a table booked at dreams so V.I.P here we come!! :D

(i wont forget my camera this time!)

Hej Sverige!

Kategori: På svenska

Känner att jag har försummat bloggen lite den senaste tiden men det är bara för att det är så mycket på gång hela tiden! Jag känner speciellt dock att jag försummat er svenska läsare så här kommer en update till alla mamma, pappa, mostrar, kusiner, resten av hela schläkta' samt alla vänner som suger på engelska (skojar bara).
Jag skriver så mycket på engelska eftersom jag vet att svenska är ett så superbra språk att det bara är förunnat typ nio miljoner människor på jorden, samt att jag vet att ni kan engelska allihop! (det är det som jag går runt och skryter med inför alla utlänningar här borta i alla fall!)

Så var ska jag börja.. Det som har tagit upp min tid som mest nu den senaste tiden är två tentor, eller test är det väl snarare, inte så stora allvarliga saker. Men jag har verkligen kommit ifrån pluggandet nu på, hur lång tid kan det va..., 5 månader! Jag kommer ihåg att det var precis samma sak när jag började plugga i Linz/Österrike. Man glider in i en tillvaro där man bara glider runt och njuter av sällskap, fester och den nya atmosfären så sen när det helt plötsligt är dags att använda hjärncellerna igen så har de blivit helt dammiga. Det är just det som jag har råkat ut för nu, testerna gick inte som smort med andra ord... Fick tillbaka dem idag redan och båda gick visst bra men det kändes inte alls bra att sitta där och skriva dem, kände mig så korkad så nu är det bara dags att ta tag i saker, jag vet bara inte var jag ska börja! Alla kurser är så extremt ointressanta och inte alls så utvecklande som jag trodde att de skulle vara. När en kurs är tråkig så ökar det inte hller precis viljan till att plugga till det... Pratade med Bob nyss som är utbytesstudent i Taipei, hon verkar ha fått riktigt intressanta kurser men å andra sidan så har hon skitväder (regnar hela tiden samt börjar bli kallt, bara 23 grader!). Man kan helt enkelt inte få allt här i världen, här är det fortfarande 30 grader och jag tror det bara blir soligare faktiskt!

I övrigt så är allt bra med mig, här är några bevis på att jag har kommit in i min fjärde hemmastad:
- jag tror jag har vänjt mig vid att ha AC på inomhus hela tiden så nu är jag inte förskyld längre
- jag är riktigt bra på att köra scooter
- jag har inte längre magkramp vilket betyder att asien bakterie floran har blivit en del av mig nu (vet inte om det är nått positivt i och för sig... låter lite som om det är en liten asiat som kommer börja växa inom mig snart)
- Jag kan beställa saker på restauranger genom att peka på saker och säga "Nei ge" för att sedan följa upp meningen med ett "Duo quai (shau) qien? (tjenn)" Detta mina vänner är kinesiska och betyder "det där" och "hur mycket kostar det?"

Kinesiskan är verkligen det svåraste som jag någonsin gett mig på tror jag, vår lärare kör dessutom ganska hårt med oss och förklarar inte vad orden betyder utan provar istället att säga samma ord tre gånger och vifta lite med armarna (den tredje gången hon säger det så är det  meningen att vi ska fatta vad det betyder). Nä men hon kan engelska och förklarar väl så gott hon kan, hon ger oss i alla fall godis eller presenter varje vecka. Jag tror hon egentligen är dagisfröken men det gör inget, vi är ända bara ett gäng korkade småbarn för henne tror jag, vi kommer aldrig kunna lära oss att uttala orden som de ska uttalas... Mina taiwan kompisar fattar aldrig vad jag säger utom de två meingarna som jag nyss gav exempel på.

Nu börjar visst klockan bli mycket igen, höll på att slå rekord nyss genom att stänga igen datorn redan innan klockan 00.00 men nu kommer den väl bli ett igen (ja jag gör allt för att ni i europa ska få så mycket kontakt med mig som möjligt) :)

Men hör gärna av er lite, vad vill ni veta vad som händer här? Vill ni ha bildbevis på nått asiatiskt? Tveka inte att fråga, jag finns här för er bekvämhet och kastar ut mig i den hårda världen för att öka er kunskap om den andra sidan av jordklotet! ;)

Ha det bäst hörni! Jag tänker på er och saknar er

och så lite nakenbild på det...

The pictures are up!

Kategori: In English

Hello party people

Kategori: In English

Im back in the game, totally wasted as back in the days ;) haha, no but yesterday was an awesome party. As a beginning we had no party. I only had the order from Philippe ( my french friend) that we would get wasted. So i called in some taiwanese friends and there we had a party!

After a couple of drinks in the nicest apartment in the world (a.k.a, the Växjö gangs) we went to meet some more exchanges at lamp. Once again i did not talk so much with the people i allready know but instead i met loads of new ones and numbers were exchanged, dont know how i meet all these new people, it just happens... tzz

Amazing party night though which included, doing the coreography to chinese songs, dancing on the stage the whole night, uncountable paparazzi photos (zero people who asked if i could be on the photo), night dumplings and watching the the day start from the top of my roof. The party started at 21 and ended at 06.00, love it!

The strategy of how to party here in taiwan has to change though. Its not very economic (or smart on the other hand) to drink at home when its anyway free at the club. A cheap swede as i am will only lead to too much alcohol which will lead to this day i had today, totally zombinized... Such a waste of time. 

Phillipe, tectonique daning perhaps?

Tomorrow i will shape up though, up early for a jog in the park and then study all the day!

I have to g to bed now, its half past twelve already, its not easy to live on your future people! ;)

One month in Taiwan!!

Kategori: In English

Today i have been one whole month in Taiwan and to celebrate this i have made some observations on the taiwanese and their ordinary taiwan life. (observe that these points should not be taken for granted!) ;)

- It hardly rains here in Kaohsiung and when it does its normally only for fifteen minutes
- People likes bling bling and everything can be "pimped" up (clothes, cellphones, scooters)
- Most taiwanese dont speak english but everyone wants to talk with foreigners

- People seem to find me exotic, this because they like starring and taking pictures of me.

(that is why the bag, haha!)

- Taiwanese dont like the sun which is shown through +50 sunscreen with included whitening and additional armsleves to wear when going by scooter. When the sun is up they like to protect the head with any possible means, umbrellas, newspaper, books, bags  and my favourite, take-away food.
- You dont cook food in taiwan, unless you are working in a restaurant, food is so cheap that you eat everything out.
- even the taiwanese sweat (not only foreigners like me that are not used to the heat)
- the youth activities are (except school) going through the shopping mall, riding scooter and going to restaurants
- Everything is really cheap, eating out is usually between 10-35 SEK.
- You freeze when you are indoors and sweat like hell when outside (totally opposite from sweden in other words)
- In all drinks there is tea (even in coffee, det du mamma!)
- There is stray dogs everywhere, also various forms of bugs such as giant spiders, grasshoppers, lizards and cockroaches
- There is a 7/eleven in every block (like pizzerias in sweden)

I have met so many weird encounters and done things i didnt think i would do this far and i guess it will only keep on going in that direction. That is why i have found the slogan for this semester:

Love it or leave it!
(i am staying)


döda mig

Kategori: På svenska

Jag räknar till åtta stycken munsårsblåsor på min underläpp... vill bara skära bort alltihop, det gör så ONT!!! Man får visst inte ha allt för mycket lycka här i världen, tror det är en gudomlig makt som sätter stopp.

"Nä men vad är detta lyckan går över styr där nere i Kaohsiung, vad ska vi göra? Ska vi göra så han får extra läxor eller att det ösregnar så han välter med sin scooter? Nä det är alldeles för milt. låt oss göra köttfärs av hans underläpp!!"

Vill inte visa upp mig, ännu mindre öppna min mun för att vara trevlig med alla utbytesstudenter :'(:'(:'(

Skicka lite sympati någon!

Green Island trip

Kategori: In English

Sorry folks that i havent posted more blogs but i've been a bit busy, i just came back from paradise :)

It was my taiwan friend from austria that arranged this whole trip but the very night before going we didnt know if we should go or not. This since there is a big typhoon coming to Taiwan. But in the last minute we took the decision that we would have enough time on the island before the typhoon really arrived, and so we did! We had perfect weather most of the time and sweet old sunshine, how i have missed you!

Me and Megan took a bus to Taitung which is on the east coast, a four hour drive with a crazy bus driver along the rainy and slippery mountain roads (yes i was scared and i didnt even have a seat belt).

The view from our hostel in Taitung, it was little rainy. We went to a museum about the Peinan culture, an ancient taiwan culture. interesting indeed, for example they buried their dead in stone coffins in their houses (got to have been smelly) and they pulled out everyones upper jaw corner teeth...

Toby and I eating boiled pig blood (okey i did not really eat it, it tastes fine but its just the idea of blood)

In the evening two of Toby's friend joined us at the hostel and the next day we were of to the island. In the harbour they had a fish auction when we were waiting for our ferry. Very exotic and also funny to see all the fish.

Some fishes were a bit scary, look at the teeth!

The day we left taiwan was sunny and the pacific was so blue! Totally lovely :)

The green island is truly GREEN!

Sleeping beauty, you see her? one of the must-see's in Green island

Except all the beautiful sights we went to we also went snorkling :D I have never done it before anwas soooo cool. The water was cristal clear and the coulorful fish we saw were uncountable! Just loved it and will definetely do it again. There were mostly sunshine so i got some tan finally even though most of it came around my neck :P so ugly! Well there will be more trips and it will only get more sunny from now on in Kaohsiung, looking forward to that :)

The crew...

There were a bit scary when we were suposed to go home because the approaching typhoon made the sea dangerous with high waves. I thought we would flip a few times... :0

I have been trying to upload photos now for more than an hour and i give up now, will post some more on facebook soon and link from it later. All in all, green island --> GO THERE!!