
Summer all over again

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As I've been writing earlier, the weather here in Paris has been quite crappy lately. Today that total changed though as the temperature right now (at 21:50) is 19 degrees outside... And today it was closer to 24 degrees... Not okay!! I have already packed down my summer clothes and been looking forward to folder times with sweaters and coats (I've even been secretly looking forward to wear my thick mittens!).

Apparently it will stay hot now again so it's just to get used to it. I must admit that you can take much nicer pictures of the beautiful fall when the sun is out

LOL with me

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This is just the funniest picture ever!!

I have it as a background on my phone so every time I check the time or get a notification I laugh out loud. Am I crazy or isn't just hilarious?!

You know this song?

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It's my new favorite!!

If you have spotify you can go and look at my playlists. I think I fixed today so that it's available for everyone to see


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Was just walking from my gym session to a dinner with friends and on the way I thought I would call my mom.

She also has an iPhone now so we have iMessage for free and FaceTime for free (free video calls between iPhones) and now with the new iOS update its possible to call FaceTime without wifi, you can call anywhere!

So all in all, I had to take advantage of those minutes walking through Paris to get a piece of Sweden on the way

On the bus

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Swedish night!

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Tonight I was invited by Christina for dinner at her place. Great food an great company is all I can say :)" class="image">

Luxury Monday

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Had a kind of slow day at work today, woke up alright and was very much alive and alert but at work I became so tired! I just had the feeling that my feet was weighing 100 kilo each.

After work I went to gym and had a proper work out and after I went to meet P at a sushi place. We booked a table in advance on"> and had 40% discount! It was a sushi go round and its so so good, it's a must to check out that site before eating out in Paris.

The fall has arrived

Kategori: In English

Time to get back to the blogging again? I wish! I love writing things here and uploading pictures on what is going on but sometimes it feels like a job... And to work a little extra after a day of full time job with plenty of challenges, the winner between blog and tv is mostly... TV!

This weekend has been spent on the French countryside, more precisely Redon in Brittany! Took some beautiful pictures of sites in the garden and made this collage. It can be such a blessing to leave Paris sometimes

Fall is orange


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Leaving a crowded Paris for a weekend in the countryside of Brittany! It's amazing how different the French countryside is in comparison with the Swedish one. It feels so much more greener! Which is a bit weird when thinking about the enormous forests of Sweden...

There are much more leaf trees here I guess and much much wider green fields. Outside Paris it's almost only fields, probably because of centuries of agriculture due to the big demand for food from Paris. Here is Brittany it's more forest and it makes me feel more home than the open fields (småland boy as I am!).

I really, really like the French high speed trains though! They are usually on time, very comfortable, quiet and super fast!! Almost as good as the German ICE ones ;)


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Sen jag flyttade till Paris så har jag läst mer böcker än jag någonsin gjorde i Sverige. Anledningen är att jag inte hade så många att prata svenska med förutom med familjen hemma och till viss del över telefon med jobbet. Jag läser nog en bok i månaden tror jag vilket jag tycker är ganska bra i alla fall!

Den genre som jag har fastnat för är historier som utspelar sig bakåt i tiden som under 18- och tidigt 19- hundratal. Jag är bara så himla fascinerad att läsa om hur folk levde förr, hur hemskt allting var och hur hårt de fick slita för att bara överleva. Man lär sig massa nya ord också och yrken som folk hade förr som inte ens finns längre idag.

Böcker jag verkligen kan rekommendera är Kejsaren av Portugallien av Selma Lagerlöf som är en väldigt vacker historia om en far som saknar sin dotter så mycket att han blir galen. Den bästa boken jag läst är nog ändå Giganternas fall av Ken Follett som skildrar livet under första världskriget sett från alla samhällsklasser. Jag gillade den boken bara för att han beskriver allt så levande och man verkligen sugs in i historien bara för att detta var en tid i världen då stod inför enorma förändringar av maktbalans, arbetar- och industriell revolution. En gång missade jag att gå av i tunnelbanan bara för att jag var så tagen!!

Bara för att Giganternas fall var så himla bra så köpte jag en annan bok av Ken Follett när jag var hemma över påsk, den heter Svärdet och Spiran. Har läst den hela dagen och kommit en bit in i den men jag är lite besviken än så länge, denna boken håller inte alls samma kvalité av spänning som den andra boken... Känns som om den är lite fööör beskrivande om allt, vi får se

Right now...

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...French preparty!!

Holiday tomorrow so we are taking the opportunity to have some wine!

Inte helt up to date...

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Idag var första gången som jag provade på instagram! Jag vet att det funnits tillgängligt hur länge som helst men nu har jag äntligen laddat ner det också.

Anledningen till att jag inte gjort det tidigare va för att jag trodde det kostade pengar, att det var krångligt och att det var ett program man laddad ner på datorn. Tzzz stupido :p

Exprememterar lite med utsikten från lägenheten

Så coolt!!

My favorite sushi place

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It took a long time before I found a sushi go round in Paris that is actually affordable. I loved to go to those restaurants in Asia just because you can see and chose what you want instead of ordering it from a menu.

The place is called Matsuri and is really a chain of restaurants but it's only at Rue du Bac on line 12 where you can pick the sushi fresh from kitchen, yammey!!

Time to get back on track!

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I need to start blogging again...

The reason why I'm not putting up more blog posts is not because there is nothing going on in the adam life, probably more the opposite!
When there is too much to write it's easier to just leave it be instead of updating on all the things that is going on.

Anyways, still living in Paris, still working and managing a sales team, still hanging out, partying around, meeting new exciting people, getting into weird situations, complicated issues and all the other stuff that life has to offer!!

The song that made me want to get back into the blogging today:

Paris is in its pride in autumn

Kategori: In English

Paris is even more beautiful now when the leaves on the trees are yellow, the sky is cloudy and the streets are colder. I really enjoy to walk around in my trench coat and gloves and just feel the fresh cold air in my face and lungs. Even though the cold winds has also brought along the sickness and cough... My cough has just arrived this week and is starting to get pretty annoying!

Annyways, people talk about Paris as the place to be during spring;
"Meet the spring in Paris and fall in love"

In doubt of this saying I have just fallen in love with Paris in autumn, the colours of the city melts together perfectly and it reminds me of how happy I feel to be in this beautiful city. Every place I know in Paris is seen in a new light and is changed from how it has been looking throughout the summer.

Yesterday I took the time to go out and welcome the autumn to Paris. And what other way to celebrate the arrival of autumn by checking out the new arrivals of clothes in the stores! ;)

But also with the new season comes the new season of clothes! I have already started my shoping yesterday and I found some really nice things! First we started by walking on Les Champs Elysses where the biggest H&M and Zara stores are and then we walked to the "backside" of Champs Elysses where is is much less people but much nicer areas, just to enjoy the new suit of the city. Shopping was complete at Printemps and the Madeleine where I found the best buy of the day! My new boots!

At first I found exactly the same shoes at Ralph Lauren but I did not even dare to ask for the price over there but they must have been around a thousand euro. But since this town is really made for shopping, you can always find a cheaper alternative as long as you know where to go! ;-) In H&M I found a matching belt as well in the same colour and new jeans at Zara. I believe there will be many more shopping rounds before this season is over!

Getting back in business

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Hi and hello everyone!!

Jeez... this blog is kind of dead at the moment isnt it?! Time to shake of that dust and bring in some clean sheets!

In a blog case I guess that means bringing in some new thoughts, new experiences and many more pictures! I just need to find a way to put over pictures from my cellphone to the work computer... Since I still havent bought a french smart phone, I cant upload anything. I still have my lovely one million year old Sony Ericsson W800i (named something like that) but as soon as the new Iphone5 had been released on the French market I will be the first in line to empty my wallet for it! I guess it will be quite expensive so I'd better be saving some money for it already...

It's hard to save money in Paris though! I wish I had more "funny money" to work with but since I moved here I have gotten the taste for restaurants, drinks and more expensive apparel so the money does not last too long.

Otherwise I feel that I have gotten settled in this new Parisian life now. I remember in my "culture chock training" before going abroad for exchange studies, that it takes about 6 months to get used to a new country and place. It has gone about half a year now and I really feel that I have gotten into the city and created myself a life with routines. The latest addition is my brand new gym card, yay!
Now the working day is soon over and I will go hooooome! Love Fridays :)

New look!

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Since I have now found a job in Paris I have decided that I will stay here a bit longer... more to say that I will stay here for an unlimited time! :)

Last day of freedom today though since i will start my new job on monday! Tomorrow I am going to Sweden to celebrate my mom's and brother's birthday! Its gonna nice to go back a little so I can bring more stuff from my wardrobe as well as some kitchen stuff that I have lying at home deep down in my closet.

So this new change of life deserves a new look on the blog! I have been working all morning with it so I hope it will be satisfying.

Now I will go and take my daily jog around the eiffel tower and then in the afternoon there will be more shopping!

(and if you cant see the new look of the blog, it means that you need to update your browser)

Bois de Boulogne

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Two days ago I decided to take the metro to Bois de Boulogne. Its a huge park that is only three metro stops from where I live. I did hesitate to go there though... Mainly because I dont have any internet on my Iphone so if i would get lost inside the park I would not be able to find my way home! But then again I thought that it cannot be that big and in the worst case I will just ask someone;

- Le métro, s'il vous plaît!

Another reason why people would hesitate to go to that specific park would be because it's not really famous for being a big and nice park... It's more famous for being the place to find hookers, prostitutes and freaks by night. Maybe you remember it from the movie The Da-Vinci Code?

Before I had enough courage to leave the apartment I searched on internet for maps of how I should go and where and on Wikipedia it says:

"People are adviced to not go this area by night"

So I finally went out there and I expected to find old panties and used condoms everywhere in the bushes!

But then I thought again, I guess prostitutes don't use either underwear or condoms...

Anyways, the park was quite boring. I assumed that it would be a park but it was more of a forrest with some piece of lawn and some ponds. It was quite big though so there will be a lot of time spent there for jogging in the spring or maybe a little picknick in the summer!


Getting lost in Paris

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Today I visited a friend that lives close to Centre Pompidou which is in the very center of Paris. I did of course get lost on the way there! It's really complicated to find your way in the center if you're not used to it since the streets are very small and its hard to know if you are going north or south or whatever. Its also hard to get around on the streets since it is totally over-crowded with tourists! It makes me feel even happier to live a little bit outside the very center of Paris.

Anyway, what I really love with Paris is that there is always something new to see and always something new behind every street corner! Today was also the first time I went into the Notre Dame cathedral! The line to get in is usually hour-long... But today we only stood there for one minute so a visit was given! Luckily its free to get in there since it was not very impressive on the inside... There is a thousand other cathedral that has a more impressive inside but Notre Dame is the most spectacular on the outside.

So next time you are thinking about standing in line it should be because you want to go up on the roof, otherwise save your time or spend it on looking at the extraordinary exterior! ;)

Agnès B fashion show

Kategori: In English

So I went to the fashion show of Agnès B.

It was really nice but the clothes was a bit too casual and basic and we all agreed. Apparently there is the "Ready-to-wear fashion week this week in Paris so that is why a lot of stores put up showrooms in their flagship stores to promote the new collection.

In other words this means that more or less normal people like me get to see the new collection... As well as enjoing some free champagne and appèrtifs! ;)

The roof view inside from Agnès B, the cathedral Saint Eustache!

There were of course free goodie bags!! ;)