
New look!

Kategori: In English

Since I have now found a job in Paris I have decided that I will stay here a bit longer... more to say that I will stay here for an unlimited time! :)

Last day of freedom today though since i will start my new job on monday! Tomorrow I am going to Sweden to celebrate my mom's and brother's birthday! Its gonna nice to go back a little so I can bring more stuff from my wardrobe as well as some kitchen stuff that I have lying at home deep down in my closet.

So this new change of life deserves a new look on the blog! I have been working all morning with it so I hope it will be satisfying.

Now I will go and take my daily jog around the eiffel tower and then in the afternoon there will be more shopping!

(and if you cant see the new look of the blog, it means that you need to update your browser)

Bois de Boulogne

Kategori: In English

Two days ago I decided to take the metro to Bois de Boulogne. Its a huge park that is only three metro stops from where I live. I did hesitate to go there though... Mainly because I dont have any internet on my Iphone so if i would get lost inside the park I would not be able to find my way home! But then again I thought that it cannot be that big and in the worst case I will just ask someone;

- Le métro, s'il vous plaît!

Another reason why people would hesitate to go to that specific park would be because it's not really famous for being a big and nice park... It's more famous for being the place to find hookers, prostitutes and freaks by night. Maybe you remember it from the movie The Da-Vinci Code?

Before I had enough courage to leave the apartment I searched on internet for maps of how I should go and where and on Wikipedia it says:

"People are adviced to not go this area by night"

So I finally went out there and I expected to find old panties and used condoms everywhere in the bushes!

But then I thought again, I guess prostitutes don't use either underwear or condoms...

Anyways, the park was quite boring. I assumed that it would be a park but it was more of a forrest with some piece of lawn and some ponds. It was quite big though so there will be a lot of time spent there for jogging in the spring or maybe a little picknick in the summer!


Getting lost in Paris

Kategori: In English

Today I visited a friend that lives close to Centre Pompidou which is in the very center of Paris. I did of course get lost on the way there! It's really complicated to find your way in the center if you're not used to it since the streets are very small and its hard to know if you are going north or south or whatever. Its also hard to get around on the streets since it is totally over-crowded with tourists! It makes me feel even happier to live a little bit outside the very center of Paris.

Anyway, what I really love with Paris is that there is always something new to see and always something new behind every street corner! Today was also the first time I went into the Notre Dame cathedral! The line to get in is usually hour-long... But today we only stood there for one minute so a visit was given! Luckily its free to get in there since it was not very impressive on the inside... There is a thousand other cathedral that has a more impressive inside but Notre Dame is the most spectacular on the outside.

So next time you are thinking about standing in line it should be because you want to go up on the roof, otherwise save your time or spend it on looking at the extraordinary exterior! ;)

Agnès B fashion show

Kategori: In English

So I went to the fashion show of Agnès B.

It was really nice but the clothes was a bit too casual and basic and we all agreed. Apparently there is the "Ready-to-wear fashion week this week in Paris so that is why a lot of stores put up showrooms in their flagship stores to promote the new collection.

In other words this means that more or less normal people like me get to see the new collection... As well as enjoing some free champagne and appèrtifs! ;)

The roof view inside from Agnès B, the cathedral Saint Eustache!

There were of course free goodie bags!! ;)

Got a cold!

Kategori: In English

there was a woman who caughed at me in the metro this monday and by then i knew i would get sick as well.... And here I am! Having a cold, bounded in bed for the last days but now it time to get my ass out there again!
Right now I only have some problems with the throat but my friends is gonna take me to see a fashion show for the french brand Agnès B so there is nothing that can stop me from going there!
Apparently there will be free champagne ;)

Dags att ta tag i bloggandet igen då...

Kategori: På svenska

Nu så har det säkert gått 4 månader sen jag skrev något här sist och som ni kan ana så har en del grejer hänt i "theadamlife"!! ;)

Vad som har hänt kan sammanfattas ganska kort dock:
- Haft mitt första heltidsjobb
- Gjort karriär i ett heltidsjobb
- Sagt upp mig från mitt heltidsjobb

Anledningen till att det gick som det gick är för att jag kände att jag blev uttråkad av jobbet och att pressen hos ett säljjobb inte var något för mig. Jag tycker inte att stressen att man måste sälja för att få lön (läs; för att överleva) är en bra stress och till slut var det bara förkollegornas skull som man stannade kvar. Sen så finns det ju så mycket mer i livet än att stå i mataffärer hela dagarna 6 dagar i veckan.

Så jag bestämde mig för att göra något helt annat...

Som att flytta till Paris till exempel!
Utsikten från Montparnasse, just nu bor jag strax utanför bild till vänster om Eiffeltornet

Lite väl drastiskt enligt vissa kanske men efter 5 månader på hårt job i Sverige så kände jag att det var dags att dra ut på nya äventyr utomlands igen. Paris kändes som ett lämpligt ställe eftersom jag älskar storstad och att jag har som mest kompisar på ett och samma ställe i hela världen just här i Paris.

Planen just nu är i alla fall att jag ska lära mig franska (jag har kommit in på en distanskurs från Sverige) och att jag ganska snart ska vara så pass flytande att jag kan börja jobba här nere och tjäna lite Euro! Fast jag vill ju helst ta ett engelsktalande jobb här nere men man ska kanske inte va så kräsen! ;)

Vad NI mina kära (men väldigt få) läsare kan få ut av den här bloggen numera kommer alltså bara vara massa historier om galna fransmän, konstiga kulturskillnader, franska glosor och roliga former på baguetter!

Fast mest troligtvis så kommer det säkert bara bli det gamla vanliga gnället om att jag aldrig orkar uppdatera bloggen och hur trött jag är efter den där festen på lördagen-för-att-någon-lagt-i-ett-skumt-piller-i-min-drink-men-att-det-egentligen-berodde-på-att-jag-aldrig-skulle-köpt-den-där-sista-drinken...

MEN det blir ju i alla fall En Francaise!! ;)

Bisous à toute!