
Oops, I did it again

Kategori: In English

Yes, i am not the best blogger anymore. Many people has been asking me why I dont update anymore and well the thing is complicated.

On the one hand I have loads to share and I have loads of stuff that is taking place in my life. I do after all live in a new city, places to explore, people i meet and situations on the tram (yes these trams could fill a whole own blog of weird coinsidences!). 

On the other hand most of the stuff that is going on is in the more implicit way which means that they are only going on in my head... I have loads of plans but none of them are clear really and that is why i dont feel its much important to put them up here in cyber space.

On the third hand there is mostly boring stuff going on in my life right now, I go to the gym, I cook, I study in front of my laptop and i go to sleep way to early due to boredom.

On the fourth hand I spend loads of time on skype... Some few chosen ones knows why ;) 

So once again i promise that i will get back on track again and blog more, i will try to share more with you few readers that i still have. One other thing that is making me push this blogging in front of me is because today my camera collapsed!! Hopefully i will get it working again, I mean it survived sand, several hard falls in the ground, salt water and 15 000 pictures later. It had a good life anyway...

Please dont die...


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