
Next train departures... tomorrow!

Kategori: In English

I'm still home in my big house on the country side. It has started snowing again and i dont want to get stuck in a train or even worse.. in some trainstation! Last time i got stuck in a train station there was a crazy lady running around shouting in everybody's faces. Not very nice

Tomorrow on the other hand their will be sun shining all over sweden. Its gonna be a nice change. Outside there is also plus degrees so I can almost feel the spring coming! It's still a bit hard to see it though, too much snow here on the country side. :P

Im so jealous on my friends that are still in Kaohsiung, the sun is shining there as always and its already 30 degrees. If i wasnt so happy for their sake i would build a cottage of blankets and pillows and sit under there until its warm outside again. (yes i do build cottages occasionaly...)

I cant believe its only one month since i was there in the heat as well!


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