
time flies

Kategori: In English

... when you are having fun, I guess its the same deal when you have too much to do. Shortly said, sorry for not updating for three whole days! No excuse is worthy except that i have been busy with work and nothing else of bigger importance has really happened. Today i realized that i might have been working too much lately, i have grown togehter with my job, i have become my job and the job has been dependant on me to function. Well i guess thats not really true, its just that i have been at the touristoffice so many days in row now that it feels like i have ordered or told my colleagues what to do and everything that has to be done. And if im not there to make it happen the world is going to fall apart and i will find the office in ashes when i get back!! I think its definetely a sign of to-much-working and i will therefore do nothing now on my two whole days that im free!! :) Its the first time since middle of june that im free from work two days in a row, now that cant be too healty... but dont get me wrong, i have taken on all this work myself, i only like complaining about it. 

Today when i logged on to facebook i got the nicest surprise. 38 tagged photos of me from the week when Alex was visiting me in Växjö! That week might very well be the best week in my life, i had so much fun, day n' night! And the pictures were so nice too. Here's my favourites:


The absolute favourite:

Its so cute!

I think i never laughed so much over an album either. Awesome indeed, thank you Alex!

I got my Taiwan visa back now already too! That was something that also brightened up my country-side-life. I looking forward to going so much. I hope im not being too excited so i will be disapointed when im finally there... Maybe its just because i want to go away on a vacation so badly. It would be so nice to go back to Linz for a week, too bad it takes forever to get there! My second hope is to visit Mr M in germany but he doesnt seem to have the time... So what to choose? The place where im wanted or the place where its cheapest to go?

Pah, screw europe. i will go to the neighbouring town tomorrow for a spa day instead. Its the same isnt it? :P


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