
festival times

Kategori: In English

My job have after all some upsides. One is that we get free fika (e.g cockies and waffles) and we also get free tickets sometimes to the events we are selling tickets to. Today was a free day for all the orientation athletes so they totally took over all avaoilable space in town and of course invaded the touristoffice. Well their free day also meant that concerts was on tonight with some big swedish artist, that i had a free ticket to. unfortunately nobody else i knew was going so it was kind of just standing there alone but the singers i listened to the time i was there was really good! Frau C was supposed to come meet me up but the god damn person overslept! Well i forgive her, the artists was really good but the audience was pretty slow and old. Nobody i knew was there... Well my cousin was but since it was like 3000 more people around she was hard to find...


This guy was playing really good and I heard his songs before on radio. Too bad i was standing far away to get a better picture. I think his name was Love Antell AND he had a nice shirt, wonder where found it... ( I have to start thinking about these things now since i get my first salary on friday! :D) The biggest artist of the night, that i got to see, was Caroline af Ugglas, pretty overrated as an singer i think but a really good artist. She gives such an good mood and precense on the stage.


Got this nice picture of the most famous monument of the town. Practicing some before Hong Kong ;)


  • Clara säger:

    Förlåt mig. Snälla.

    :) Det ska aldrig hända igen. "Det är inte du. Det är jag" haha

    2009-07-23 | 16:32:51

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