So i'm homeless
Kategori: In English
now im sitting at home at philippe's, mattea's and caroline's apartment, on philippe's computer. And he is forcing me to leave the computer soon because he wants to watch a movie, BITCH ;)
Im happy to be here with them but i do of course miss my place. And what is really tiring is that i will now be without a place that i can call my own until i am beck home in sweden... that is something that really scares me since i dont like being like in the way in someone else's home.
This is my package that i sent home anyway, 19.9 kilos it was!! It was so hard to send it home since i love my clothes!! I said i wanted to have it in sweden within two months so i hope i will have it then! otherwise i will cry since i have a lot of thick winter clothes that i bought in china in there.
The most sadest thing was to leave my fellow roomies Dan and Ulrika!
It has been so nice during the whoe semester to always have someone at home to speak swedish to and discuss things with and even though we where not always together there were always someone there as a backup. Im so grateful to have shared this semester with them and that they came and "saved" me from the dorms and instead we shared the most amazing apartment for four fantastic months!
Dan och Ulrika, ni är alltid välkomna till mig var än i världen jag befinner mig!