
Christmas time

Kategori: In English

Dear blog,

Here I am now, sitting in Taiwan. No Christmas feelings really, only an empty hole that is longing to be filled with family, Christmas presents Swedish food and snow. I did know this about me but I really miss my traditional Christmas at home. Today is my day at home in Sweden which means if you look in the calendar it is my name on this day, the day before Christmas. I usually get a present or a little something in advance from all the gifts lying under the Christmas tree but no, this is not an ordinary Christmas. I still cannot get into my head that it is the day that everyone is waiting for is already tomorrow! This is what we usually do at home in my family on this very evening and what we do on Christmas eve:

-tonight my family will eat the first piece of the homemade Christmas ham, all the decorations are up including Christmas tree, outdoors lights, red curtains, Christmas cards, Santa Claus and Lucia’s, presents under the tree

- tomorrow is Christmas eve, it starts with waking up around 8 o’clock, going down to eat a big breakfast with the family, my brothers and my mom and dad. On the table is of course all the Christmas traditional must-haves. After that it’s time to open the presents, everyone has bought a present to everyone and in a second the whole living room is overwhelmed with present wrappings. After this the family gets ready to leave to dads parents where that side of the family is gathered. More food and presents. Around 13:00 my family goes home to get ready to watch Donald Duck’s Christmas on TV (a Swedish TV phenomenon since the fifties I think). During this we eat chocolate and other traditional candy. In the evening we go to meet my relatives on my mom’s side where we eat more food and more candy. Late in the evening we drive home through the cold Swedish winter discussing the day and just looking forward to the next day when we will have time to use our Christmas presents. Before bed we usually eat something more, just because it’s Christmas ;)

This is after all not an ordinary Christmas for me. Maybe I should be glad to experience something totally different from what I usually do but I don’t know… Maybe I’m just too stuck in my old patterns or it’s because I’m getting homesick but I just can’t get into my head to enjoy this moment and try something new. So tomorrow the plan is to exchange some presents with my new temporary roomies and then start fixing for the evening when we will have some more friends over for a French/Taiwanese/Westernized Christmas dinner. I don’t know what to expect but one thing that I can say is that it will be interesting… I did at least force Philippe to come with me to IKEA for a Christmas lunch, meatballs here we come! IKEA is the closest to home I can get right now. It will be fun im sure but there is something I will have in mind during the whole day, something moiling in the back of my head…

that Christmas eve, in Sweden, is the day of the year when you are supposed to be with your family. And here I am on the other side of the earth, nothing Swedish, nothing family related,

yes I do feel a bit sad.


Kategori: På svenska

Denna helgen så var jag i Taroko nationalpark, det var helt otroligt vackert trots att det var väldigt molnigt. Tyvärr så glömde jag min kamera hemma så jag har inga bilder att visa upp ännu utan jag hoppas istället att jag ska få bilder från mina kompisar snart så får se om jag hinner fådem innan de åker hem!

Men det jag tar med mig från denna resan är inte hur vackert landskapet var, djupa slingrande dalar med höga grönklädda berg på sidorna.

Nä det jag kommer komma ihåg från denna resan är min värsta jordbävingsupplevelse någonsin! Det var på kvällen och det var mörkt. Vi satt på ett hotell och spelade kort och väntade på att vi skulle gå och lägga oss när helt plötsligt allt börjar skaka! Min andra jordbävning i livet ägde rum bara det att denna gången så var det inte lika häftigt som förra gången... Det var massa unga taiwaneser på samma ställe och först när det började skaka så tittade alla bara på varandra sen insåg vi att det skakar lite väl mycket och samtidigt som alla taiwaneser börjar springa mot utgångarna och skrika så börjar vi göra likadant.

Strömmen gick dessutom och det blev becksvart. Tänk er att taiwaneserna som är uppvuxna med det här blev rädda vad ska då jag som en liten svensk göra? Vi gick tillbaka till vårt lilla hostel där det var becksvart men det var ett gäng med vuxna som hade tänt en eld så vi satt där en stund och väntade på efterskalvet. Vi väntade och väntade och till slut blev vi trötta på att sitta i röken och gick och la oss.

Jag vaknade mitt i natten av att sängen skakade konstigt nog så var det bara jag i mitt sällskap som kände det så jag kan aldrig få bevisat om det var en dröm eller sanning...

 Strömmen kom inte tillbaks förrän nästa dag runt 12 på dagen så vi antog att det var en ganska stark jordbävning, senare på kvällen så såg vi på nyheterna att det hade varit en jordbävning med en magnitud av 5 på richterskalan i Taroko där vi befann oss, starkaste jordbävningen på hela året! 

Så här set det ur när en jordbävning på 5 går loss...

Farewell party

Kategori: In English

Last thursday there was a farewell party held for us exchangesstudents. The party was held at a really rally nice place and guess what, the party was next to my old apartment and i had never known about it! Crap! It was a nice lounge/bar/disco that was rented for all us exchanges and of course there was open bar as always in this country which lead to what always happens at farewell parties:

- Over-drunkness
- People randomly making out
- Tears
- Endless good bye's

The party was amazing though and it is so nice to see all ones' friends at one place, then you realize how many people that you lave and loves you!

Unfortunately i didnt have much nice clothes left since everything is on a boat somewhere outside Hong Kong right now... This is all i could come up with and i was also totally stressed since it had been so much work during the day so i didnt shave.. well, not too bad i hope :P

Happy friends!

Crying people, not a very pretty sight! People dancing like hell, well maybe a little bit more pretty ;)

The exchange student organisation had fixed together some photos from the semester together. So nice that they made in the shape of the seven/eleven sign!! Something that i will totally miss in sweden, 7/11 everywhere and it is so convinient! To bad though that the guy who took the pics from facebook is now friends with me so im only on one pic, well it could have been worse :P

Back home again in the morning, we went to Family Mart to buy some after party food and we succeded to force the cashier to let us behind the counter! Sorry for the ugly pic people, we were tired and drunk but this has to be shown, its a breakthrough! ;)

Oh happiness!

Kategori: På svenska

Jag sitter nu i bibblan här på skolan och gissa vad, jag sitter på min egen dator!! Alltså jag kunde aldrig tro själv att jag kunde bli så glad bara av att jag har internet på min egen dator men jo det är sant. Så nu ska jag sitta här och blippa runt bland mina favorit websidor, lyssna på musik högt (i mina hölurar) och allmänt bara slöa framför datorn som är en av mina favorit sysselsättningar. :)

Kommer dessutom passa på att uppdatera lite mer på bloggen nu när jag har några timmar över, kommer för första gången inte vilja lämna bibblan ikväll tror jag

So i'm homeless

Kategori: In English

now im sitting at home at philippe's, mattea's and caroline's apartment, on philippe's computer. And he is forcing me to leave the computer soon because he wants to watch a movie, BITCH ;)

Im happy to be here with them but i do of course miss my place. And what is really tiring is that i will now be without a place that i can call my own until i am beck home in sweden... that is something that really scares me since i dont like being like in the way in someone else's home.

This is my package that i sent home anyway, 19.9 kilos it was!! It was so hard to send it home since i love my clothes!! I said i wanted to have it in sweden within two months so i hope i will have it then! otherwise i will cry since i have a lot of thick winter clothes that i bought in china in there.


The most sadest thing was to leave my fellow roomies Dan and Ulrika!

It has been so nice during the whoe semester to always have someone at home to speak swedish to and discuss things with and even though we where not always together there were always someone there as a backup. Im so grateful to have shared this semester with them and that they came and "saved" me from the dorms and instead we shared the most amazing apartment for four fantastic months!

Dan och Ulrika, ni är alltid välkomna till mig var än i världen jag befinner mig!

I don't want to!

Kategori: In English

I wish i could stay here in my castle, watching at my kingdom from my window but i cant! Today i will move all my stuff from the apartment... I've never had such a large apartment and i think i will never have one so cheap as this one ever again, unless i come back to asia then..

Almost everything is packed, now its just left to cry a little bit for my loss ;(

Me, a model?

Kategori: In English

Yes i have now gotten a offer from my agency in Taipei. But i will not be able to take it since i will be in Philipines at the commercial shoot. I hadn't answered immediately that i couldnt take the job so today i got more informationa bout the job and now im even happy that i will be in the Philipines!

At first i hoped that Peacock biscuit was a clothing brand (you never know, this i asia!) but no it is really for coockies. I got this mail today:

Can you imagine me hanging in a wire as a bird? Oh it would be such an experiece but i dont want to be remembered here in Taiwan as the birdman!

The cutest i've seen in a long time

Kategori: In English

Sherola posted this on her facebook and i thought it was so cute that i simply had to put it here on the blog!

Bed time!

Kategori: In English

im done with the packing now, finished one small paper today and Robin came over and we had some pancakes!! I realized that i miss sweden a lot, swedish pancakes is one of the best things in the world.

But the weirdest thing was that i drank milk to the pancakes and it tasted so good! At home i never drink milk unless its hot with chocolate powder och if its together with porridge or cereal but here in taiwan i dont think i had any natural milk at all... Here i have only bought milk with flavor or added with sugar. tzz, not good, i will have no bones left back home in cold sweden.

I was about to go to bed early tonight since tomorrow is tuesday and tuesday is my killer day when im totally tired all day. Well that plan didnt work, its now 00:40 and as you can see... still here!

Now time for bed though, nighty!

Gissa vad jag håller på med?

Kategori: På svenska

Haha, ja jag vet att jag sätter lite väl mycket tilltro till internet men jag är helt hopplös när det kommer till kläd kunskap. Jag må kunna se vad som är snyggt och inte när det kommer till kläder men när det gäller tvättning, strykning och i detta fallet vikning så lämnar jag det helt till mamma! Nu kan jag ju inte ringa henne jämt så internet får bli min substitut...

Jag vet inte om jag lyckades dock... får se om kläderna kommer hem i ett stycke!

tredje advent och Lucia

Kategori: På svenska

Jag kan helt enkelt inte få in det i mitt huvud. Vi befinner oss just nu i december, det är tredje advent vilket betyder att det är typ bara två veckar kvar till julafton och idag är det dessutom Lucia! Den kortaste dagen hemma i Sverige. Ni anar inte hur avlägset det känns...

Bjuder på en lite lagom sommrig bild istället. Lite fakta så ni ska komma in i hur min inre julkonflikt ser ut:

- snö närvaro är lika med noll
- gräset är bränt av solen
- det regnar inte längre vilket bidrar till ständigt blå himmel
- fortfarande 30 grader
- antal ätna lussebullar, pepparkaksdeg och druckna glögg är lika med noll

Ack ja stackars mig... (?!)

Last time of shopping

Kategori: In English

Yesterday was not only a day for party but also a day for shopping! Since im going to ship home most of my stuff here from Taiwan next week i will have to do my last shopping this weekend so i more or less forced Philippe to come with me for a long day of walking around in the stores of Kaohsiung.

This city actually has Dream mall which is the biggest mall here in Taiwan but it is actually also the fifth biggest one in the world! Just imagine, 400 000 square meters of surface dedicated to shopping! It's unbelievably big and i cant really say that i could grasp its vastness...

But i did get one feeling, i got scared because i got lost!

After a few hours we got enough and we left the mall a bit dissapointed that i did not find anything that i wanted to buy... We went of to a brand outlet, bought a t-shirt and then we went to the most popular mall here in Kaohsiung, the Hanshin, but i didnt find anything there either... The clothes here is either too expensive or simply not nice enough that i would want to buy it.

We did go to ikea though, where i bought some swedish ginger bread cakes, they didnt have blossa glögg which was a big loss... I was so looking forward to it!

Well i still have a lot of stuff that i have to ship home, i just dont want to start packing, its so comfortable to just stay :(


Kategori: In English

this is... Taiwan! Where madness is an everyday thing! No just kidding but yesterday night turned out really fun and crazy after all. First we sat here at home, just us roomies + Philippe, we discussed france, languages, cultures, gossip and sweden. Listened to my favourite playlist on spotify and drank some wine and alcohol. In other words, a perfect preparty!

I really love these kind of parties when its just a small amount of people, where everyone is interacting. They always turns out to be the best! And this time i had almost drank no alcohol at all and still i had fun as crazy. Here its usually only about getting wasted so i had forgotten how fun one can have without too big amounts of alcohol. Just silly to drink too much alcohol, you only end up with a big hangover and bad things in the memory from the last night (if you even can remember!).

So we stayed at home here until midnight or something and then we decided to move to KTV that is just beside our building. The closest one was full so we went to the next one because apparently we have 4 of them in 5 minutes walking distance! tzz, taiwan and their KTV's! ;)

We all had a blast though and sang loud as hell even though we were not drunk (except Philippe) and there was only the four of us.

After two hours we had to leave and then we moved to the Lamp nightclub instead which was a big disapointment. Music that sucked and we had to pay fullprice even though we were only in there for one hour before they closed, that would never happen in Sweden...

I ended up in my bed around 6 i think, fully satisfied with my awesome night here in Kaohsiung.

The whole room for just the four of us!!

We are all happy to sing out loud and as you can see, Britney is in the background :) It was cameras inside the room as well, i think the staff that is monitoring the cameras each night has the funniest job ever! KTV was a blast, and i will try to make more preparties there. I only wish they had newer songs...

And Philippe is in his own world dancing :)

Party noch einmal bitte!

Kategori: In English

Soon its time for another party here in crazy Kaohsiung. Sure the parties here are crazy but not far as crazy as in Austria or Växjö last semester...


Hair has been cut!

Kategori: In English

Yes so its true, i finally dared to go to a hair dresser here in Kaohsiung. Afraid to come back bald made me not very enthusiastic so my roomie Dan told asked me several times why i looked so sad. Anyone who knows me know that i am really concious about my hair. I always go to the same hair dresser in sweden because they are the only ones i trust can do a good job. I have been dissapointed so many times already when going to a new place to cut my hair. Last year when i was in Austria i went to cut my hair and because of lingvistic difficulties i was really unhappy, this even though i speak german! So what could i aspect from a hairdresser here since i dont speak chinese much at all!

Well i have been satisfied, really happy in fact for my new hair!

Judge for yourselfs:

Do i need to say that this is a before picture? My hair was so long!!! Never had so long before...

I feel a kilo lighter! And i will save so much money now, the old hair needed too much products ;)

Scooter olycka

Kategori: På svenska

Japp så nu har det även hänt mig. Jag har varit med i min första scooter olycka, tack och lov så blev varken jag eller min scooter skadade. Så här gick det i alla fall till:

Jag backade som vanligt ut min scooter från parkeringen utanför vårt hus. Parkeringen ligger typ i vägens scooterfil så jag backar jämt ut långsamt sp att folk ska se mig och hinna svänga undan. Denna gången så var det en tjej som uppenbarligen inte var så uppmärksam på att jag var på väg ut i filen så hon körde in i mig!

Det blev en väldig smäll men jag stod kvar stabilt och vände mig om och såg att där låg en tjej på vägen med sin scooter. Jag hjälpte henne upp och frågade om hon var okej. Jag tog av mig min mask så hon skulle se att jag var en utlänning och på det sättet tänkte jag att hon inte skulle våga skälla ut mig (eftersom inte så många kan engelska här) 

Hon ställde sig upp och sa att hon var okej och så körde hon iväg igen... Nu i efterhand så var det ju inte så dramatiskt och jag kan till och med skratta åt det för att det såg lite lustigt ut när hon låg på vägen. Hon låg ner som om hon fortfarande satt på scootern liksom, haha! Jaja, lite elakt av mig men ändå skrattretande

Det blir att man tänker över sina körvanor lite när man är med om nått sånt för man ser ändå olyckor här titt som tätt...

Scooter love!

Hang over day...

Kategori: In English

oh my god, yesterday was indeed interesting! my camera is still loading so i dont know what i will see when i start it!

and now im a bit hang over... but life is not so bad though, look here what i found in our street corner!

The season for strawberries has started :)

So merry christmas everyone or what?

Going out

Kategori: In English

No more chinese! Today all the exchanges had the final exam in chinese so of course there will be a big party tonight :)

Now im of to have dinner with my professor in Portfolio management, ok its the whole class coming actually... Fun thing, and it was the professors idea! Would never had happened in sweden.

My professor is cool *statement*

And i also just came back from the hairdresser!

im glad i went to cut it, i feel one kilo lighter!!
more photos will come, im late! (as usuall...)


Kategori: In English

its wednesday morning and i am:

total muscle soreness (from badminton yesterday)
hungry (dont have time for breakfast)
stressed (chinese exam and other stuff coming up next week!!)

well i'm happy and alive, isnt that wonderful at least :)

Asia song number one!

Kategori: In English

Dont think i posted this on the blog already but this is the number one song you will hear here in Asia, i heard it in Hong Kong, Shanghai and they play it every time here in Kaohsiung! It's really from Korea but everyone knows it.

Even I know the dance for it ;) (not that it's so complicated really, haha)

Dont mind the guy pooping in the intro, its just normal Korean humor ;)

Winter in taiwan

Kategori: In English

So the winter has also come to taiwan, i mean i guess so.. since it's so freezing!!

No but seriously, it was 22 degrees outside. I know you people in europe must belive its a joke but no its true, it is kind of cold... After so much sunny weather and days as warm as 35 degrees (most of the time) you get used to this unbelievably hot weather and then when the temperature drops 15 degrees, it of course feels cold...

Its just crazy when i think about it, during the day know the weather really feels exactly like a perfect swedish summer day. Its just that the taiwanese are wearing jackets and i have to admit it myself, even i am... But im also thinking how crazy it is, i mean if my brothers would come here now they would wear shorts and t-shirts (but my big does on the other hand wear t-shirts and shorts when its 15 degrees, he would be sweating now!). 

But i like it, the smells also feels like sedish summer which ves me flashbacks to the wonderful summer that has been. Cant belive its december though!

This is what i wore today when i was off to meet some friends for sushi.

Thick scarf that i bought at Zara in Hong Kong and this i by the way my new trenchcoat that i bought in Shanghai, taylor made!

When making the trench i first got to choose the material and then the model. Since i wanted it to be unique, i was brave enough to pic royal blue as the inside. And you cant imagine the price... ;)
I love it so much! im just so sad that i have to ship it home soon...


Kategori: På svenska

Så nu har jag suttit i fyra timmar och jobbat med kineskiska läxan. Det går framåt bara inte så snabbt som jag ahde hoppats... Det är så frukansvärt tidskrävande eftersom jag inte kan tecknen så måste jag gå igenom alla tidigare anteckningar, skolbok och power point slides som vi haft på lektionerna.

Jag kan inte alla tecken utan det som jag har pluggat mest är hur man uttalar tecknen, alltså pinyin. Jag sitter först och letar reda på hur alla tecken uttalas i pinyin och sen måste jag hitta vad själva ordet betyder, jag sitter med andra ord och gör dubbelt arbete.

Så här bekymmrat har jag nu sett ut de senaste timmarna...

Men det finns något positivt också, jag lär mig så mycket och jag lär mig känna igen tecknen och hur man bygger upp meningar för kinesisk grammatik liknar inget jag sett innan. Det liksom för lätt på något sätt... I europeiska språk måste man alltid ta hänsyn till grammatik och massa undantagsregler och annat jag vet inte vad. I kinesiska lägger man bara till ett tecken om man undrar något eller om man letar efter vägbeskrivning.

Jag lär mig!! :D

Apropå grammatiken så underlättar det inte növändigtvis just att det är så lätt grammatik, oftast tvärtom... Här är ett exempel:

Ni xing qi tian qu gong si zuo shen mo?

Direktöversättning: Du imorgon färdas offentlig buss till "fråga" (shen mo lägger man till när man skriver en fråga)?
Svenska: Kommer du ta bussen imorgon?

Detta blir en lång kväll...


Kategori: In English

I cant believe it, i slept for eleven hours tonight! I think its a new record... Usually i always wake up in a good time like around 9 because my brain tells me that i have to get to work and do something with my day. But today my brain was shut off and so i slept, not even the loud traffic outside my window could wake me up! Twelve hour on a scooter is apparently really tiring.

I have now had my breakfast anyway, a banana. Since i woke up so late i will just wait a few hours and then go down to subway and have a lunch instead.

I really hope that im not turning the clock now and destroying my sleeping habits, i like being up early to get stuff moving. Now i've just too much time really so there will no tanning on the beach today and no gym. Or maybe i can go there tonight... hmm.

Now i will do my enormous chinese homework and then start to finish my "taiwan government and polits" class' paper.

come on adam,

Maolin trip

Kategori: In English

Late yesterday some friends told me that they were going to make a trip on scooter to Maolin national scenic area. The name implies that there is a place with a great view. and yes it was really beautiful. Maolin is a area (i think it can be called an area or maybe village...) in the mountains about 70 kilometers outside Kaohsiung.

Sure it was beautiful but i've never felt my ass growing so much :P I have been sitting on a scooter for 12 hours today (yes people, twelve!!) I went up 6 after 4 hours of sleep which means that i am totally worn out right now, cant belive it can be so exhausting just sitting all day :P

I just love the mountains though and seeing the mountain tops again reminded me of Austria. What is it with me and my love to tall stuff? Skyscrapers and mountains are the most beautiful things i know...

I love my scooter!

Kina i bilder

Kategori: På svenska

Tainan party

Kategori: In English

It was nice to go somewhere else and see something else than just the two clubs we have here in Kaohsiung. Cant belive that people here party so little... over 2.5 million people living in this town and still you can always be sure that you can come in to any of this clubs any day, oh wait now. Yesterday they opened another club actually, that is also why nobody wanted to come with me to Tainan or well i more or less forced Phillipe to come with me :P

After some predrinks at his place we took off to the trainstation and after a 40 minutes ride we arrived in Tainan, we also made a new friend on the train, haha. Its so nice that people are so friendly here, even though their english is quite poor.

It was really fun on the train and we kept on with the preparty, which you really cant see from the picture :P Looks like we are on our way to a funeral, ha!


Nice to meet my friends from my last exchange semester in Austria, Belle and Vivan! :D Some of their friends were at the party as well and another girl from the same uni that i went to in Austria celebrated her birthday. Too bad we didnt have time to talk more, i really miss old home, my Linz...

The club was great anyway and we partied on until the first train left the station back to Kaohsiung, we were back in Kaohsiung at 6 i think and the sun was just getting up and the city started to wake up. I just love coming back from parties when the sun is getting up!! Then you know you had a good time :)

I hope Belle and Vivian will come to visit me one last time before i leave the island, the same with everyone of my old frinds from Austria!

Now i don have more time to write here, im gonna go and have dinner with Megan and then we are gonna see the new twilight movie. Hope its better than the first one!

sooo looking forward for a night without alcohol and to see megan, i cant believe i havent seen her for over a month!! Madness


Kategori: In English

Is back home now from the party in Tainan yesterday, oh my god, i had so much fun!!

And also as i just said, I just came home (the clock is 13:00) Then you know it was a good party! ;)

pictures will arrive shortly, first shower! They smoke way to much here in Taiwan... blah

Perfect day?

Kategori: In English

The weather here in taiwan now is getting more and more like a swedish summer, except the rain then of course. The temperature is around 25 degrees and the sun is shining from a clear blue sky, the smells is also a bit like summer back home.

So nice!

Its just that i havent been in the sun now for like over a month! I have been so busy with school so there have simply not been time for some lazy days at the beach. But today i will have one :) Im now gonna go to the campus beach, lie there for some hours and then move to the gym for some cardio. Im so glad to be back in the gym again!

Ok darlings, ime flies, soon the sun will be setting again and then i will be of to the next door city Tainan for some Austria reunion!!!

hihi :)

Twilight movie!

Kategori: På svenska

Vi har just avslutat en myspyskväll här hemma hos familjen NorsFjeldheimEriksson då vi tittat på Twilight! Istället för chips att snaska på så blev det pepparkakor, yammie! 
Jag har ju läst ut böckerna för länge sen men det är först nu som jag har tagit mig tiden att se den första filmen Och ja vad ska jag säga om den...

den var kort...

Boken ger ju alltid så mycket mer än filmen och i detta fall så var det extremt tomt innehåll i filmen. För er som har läst den så undrar jag vad som hände med allt velande och vänskapen med Jacob? Försvann helt. Och dan och ulrika hade inte läst boken innan så de hade svårt att fatta hur allt hängde ihop och jag kände med att det var ganska mycket lösa trådar. Enda anledning till att jag såg filmen är för att nästa släpps här i Kaohsiung idag eller i veckan eller när det va.

Men filmen var verkligen snyggt gjort (trots den dåliga kvalitén på filen), dessutom fanns det ju vissa hetingar med. HELLO Rosalie in Baseball outfit! ;)

Bästa är nog ändå soundtracket till filmen, hittade det på spotify:

New years in Boracay!

Kategori: In English

Yesterday i bought the final flight ticket that will take me to my location where i will celebrate new years this year. I will been in Boracay, Phillipines!

Its apparently known to be one of the best beaches in the world and well, from looking at the pictures it coule be true :D

Im so excited!

I just wanted to make you a little bit jealous ;)

Glasses on today

Kategori: In English

Bought this in China, its so funny!chinese class just started and i havent eaten anything yet... aaaaaaahh!



Kategori: In English

Jesus christ ktv was so much fun! After one million songs and several glasses of alcohol im now back home in my nice and calm apartment. My roomies are sleoing and im sitting here in the night, sipping some water and skyoing with friends o´n the other side of the globe. But yes, KTV was so much fun, let me tell you why:

- the atmosphere when 20 exchenge students are alone in one big room filled with old songs that everyone knows ny heart is overwhelming, its like impossible to not sing along with the songs!
- it was only our room in the whole ktv house (unlimited staff availiability)
- people were drunk (it was like a really big pre party!)

i felt a bit michael jackson... :P

this is a live photo which means that im really really tired!

i just love accessories, hat is my new thing, even though its really just an excuse to hide my way too long hair... Here is also the shoes i bought in Beijing, they are real Salvatore Feragamo, guess the price... ;)

Im becoming a vampire again and soon it will be one million taiwanese that will think im Edward from the Twilight movie :P But i have decided that i will stay the whole weekend at the beach here in Kaohsiung, tan here we go!

here we go again

Kategori: In English

oh my god, i cant believe how tired i am! but no time for rest, after a long day in school its now time for the next party tonight its the next exchange student to be celebrated and this one chosed the excellent way of celebrating, KTV!

KTV is everywhere here in taiwan, if you dont know what it is i can tell you that it is karaoke, you rent a room, fill it with people and then sing it out the all night. I still havent been to one so even though im tired as hell i will have to go there of course! ;)

Not so much alcohol for me tonight though... but well, you never know where it ends :P

Already looking forward for tomorrow when i will sleep until mid-day, me love schleeping!

Party on a tuesday?

Kategori: In English

i say
- of course! Yesterday was awesome, i havent been partying for quite a while now so yesterday night was needed. Its just since it was a while i became easily drunk and when people are drunk in bars the autamatically buy more alcohol.... so now i feel as i deserve i guess :P

but no time for being hang over in this country, its now half past eight and im off to have some classes! Or well not really have classes, im mostly gonna sit there and get the attendance points, weird system.. I only go there so i will have time to work on my chinese homework.

The chinese test yesterday was canceled by the way but next week is the final exam so i'd better find some taiwanese to talk to soon for practice!

Some party pics from yesterday:

total crazyness...

Now i got to hurry, im late already!

What to do?

Kategori: In English

Can't decide what to do for the evening. Well now its a bit too late for going to Outback steakhouse here in Kaohsiung to celebrate one of the exchange studetens birthday. Its apparently really good food but also really expensive!

I will save my money for other than food, especially since im trying to be healthy... i will have some alcohol instead! (makes no sense does it??)

So next thing now is to find something to eat... then if i will go to a pre party or not... then a bar (that's apparently in my are but i didnt know of!).

I bought the shirt in HK :)

My hair is too long now so i will try this hair for the night

Two weeks ago I was in Hong Kong

Kategori: In English

I really love Hong Kong, if you ever go to asia you definetely have to go to this city. I think it the city with the highest number of skyscrapers (since even the apartment houses is higher than any building in sweden... :P). It was also nice to leave the very monoton weather of Kaohsiung and have some feeling of europe. It was clear sky, fresh cold air and yellow leaves. It was about 16 degrees i think and it was nice to take on some clothes that is not shorts and t-shirt without sweating.

Im also to say this to all Kaohsiung'ians but it was a awakening to see how nicely styled people can look! Everywhere there where posh people with the latest fashion. Here in Kaohsiung its more relaxed, i think it is mostly because of the weather. Colder weather encourages you to change the wardrobe and makes you look for what is the latest fashion. Even though it is sometimes a relief that i can go out and look like crap and nobody would care :P

It was also christmas feeling on in the big city, christmas songs and decorations, so nice!

Best view, with one of my favourites, the IFC tower.

I just love the atmosphere in HK, it feels so... metropolitan! Dont know if its because of the mix of european, american and asian culture or just the style of people waliking on the street.

This is me on the star walk where all the famous Hong kong actors has their name. Loads of series in chinese that is on tv here in Asia is from HK. This is me and Jackie Chan's stone block. He had really small hands... 

Ok, it was not winter really, as one can se on the palm trees :P

Brand new week, Brand new Adam

Kategori: In English

Now the week has really started here in taiwan (because today i had classes) and so has also my new programme to get fit again! So today i went to the gym and it felt so good to be back there again, like being at home! I can't believe i have let my body fall to this level! Not that im fat really, just so out of shape and in three weeks i will be at the beach in Philipinnes so i'd better shape up!

Right now im totally exhausted and i will probably be immobalized tomorrow from muscle soarness :P

I just miss my pilates ball ;(

picture from this summer